Distribution bits

exception dput.hooks.distribution.BadDistributionError

Subclass of the dput.exceptions.HookException.

Thrown if the allowed-distribution checker encounters an issue.

exception dput.hooks.distribution.SuiteMismatchError

Subclass of the dput.exceptions.HookException.

Thrown if the suite-mismatch checker encounters an issue.

dput.hooks.distribution.check_allowed_distribution(changes, profile, interface)

The allowed-distribution checker is a stock dput checker that checks packages intended for upload for a valid upload distribution.

Profile key: none

Example profile:

    "allowed_distributions": "(?!UNRELEASED)",
    "distributions": ["unstable", "testing"],
    "disallowed_distributions": []

The allowed_distributions key is in Python re syntax.

dput.hooks.distribution.check_distribution_matches(changes, profile, interface)

The suite-mismatch checker is a stock dput checker that checks packages intended for upload for matching Distribution and last Changelog target.

Profile key: none

This checker simply verified that the Changes’ Distribution key matches the last changelog target. If the mixup is between experimental and unstable, it’ll remind you to pass -c unstable -d experimental to sbuild.

dput.hooks.distribution.check_protected_distributions(changes, profile, interface)

The protected distributions checker is a stock dput checker that makes sure, users intending an upload for a special care archive ( testing-proposed-updates, stable-security, etc.) did really follow the archive policies for that.

Profile key: none